Friday, January 26, 2018

Regarding 'Fake News' Reporting of President Trump "Firing Special Council Robert Mueller"

Commentary post

Look, the bottom line is president of the United States of America, the president has every right to 'Fire Robert Mueller,' period! This was 'fake news' that was reported last night.

                                    Former Head of FBI, Robert Mueller

Personally, I wish Trump would fire the former FBI 'cover-up, goon' Robert Mueller. And it has come out that earlier in his presidency yes, Trump was considering firing special council Robert Mueller based on a 'conflict of interest.'

As stated, Mueller former head of the FBI under the Clinton administration did indeed help cover up several of Bill and Hillary's 'various legal problems.' That is irrefutable. Then enter James Comey, whom was best friends with Mueller who helped Comey rise through the ranks, and probably got Comey in as head of the FBI. So 'YES' a conflict of interest? You think?

Now, over the past 2 days it's been reported that Mueller wants to 'interview' president Trump, to which Trump replied, "I'd love to do it, under oath!" Now my first thought was 'big mistake!' Having listened to several lawyers in the media, they too have come to the same conclusion. Now there's still plenty of time for Trump to revoke his reply. And I'm sure he will.

Then comes the 'missing FBI emails.' And it's like here we go again! The same thing as what happened with Hillary Clinton! But, just last night, like magic the FBI has 'found' the missing emails. The fact is, the American people know this is all nothing but a 'witch hunt' to bring down a president who's done nothing but 'keep the promises' he made as candidate Trump. Imagine that. A president who has 'kept his promises!' And for that they want to lock him up! Or remove him from the Oval office.

The 'fake news' media who has been ALL in favor of Hillary Clinton, and predicted she'd win the 2016 election, going as far as having posted 'fake polls' throughout the election, when all along 'internal polling' clearly showed Trump was leading almost, if not the entire 2016 presidential election. So, 'collusion?' The very tactic they've been using against president Trump, is what the mainstream media, and many others have been guilty of. And now with this phony, 'special council' run by a Clinton 'hack,' has given the FBI a very bad reputation, and made America appear as a laughing stock to the rest of the world.

Obviously, Hillary Clinton, and possibly Barack Hussein Obama may also be behind all of this. THOSE are THE people who need to have an investigation opened against! Robert Mueller, and his cronies have had over 1 year to find out whether the Trump administration did or did not have any collusion with Russia, and thus far- NOTHING!

But to me it's so obvious what is going on from the democrats perspective. They would love for this phony investigation to 'drag on' well into the upcoming mid-term election, which is this fall, and still have the uninformed, and I mean 'uninformed' thinking there must be something that Robert Mueller has if it's taken this long. No, no and NO! Were there anything, I mean even the slightest bit or shred of evidence of 'Russian collusion,' Robert Mueller, and his FBI goons, would have gone public with this a long time ago! So you want to talk 'obstruction?' I see Robert Mueller, and his band of democrat goons and cronies as being the obstructionists, along with the entire democrat party, and the mainstream media!

The longer this goes on, and I already stated that is what the democrats would love to happen, the rougher it's going to be on the republican party come this fall for the mid-term elections. So, were I Trump, I'd advise him to tell Mueller, you've got unto such and such time, like NO later than March, then either he gets fired, and/or the investigation comes to a close. How much more time do they need? Seriously!

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