Monday, January 8, 2018

Obamas criticized for lavish library plans, including 'test kitchen'

First 'so-called black president' or not (and he's half-white, give me a break), Obama does not deserve any 'presidential library' until he is investigated for 'treason!'

And though not our first 'socialist' president, he is one of them. That is yet another reason to not build that piece of trash a library. I thought Jimmy Carter was the 'worst president' this country has had. Well, Obama now takes the cake!

This is a person with the most 'unknown controversial background.' Hung around known 'domestic terrorists,' and is a product of the CIA. Does he really deserve anything? As president, he almost gave this country away to Islamist's. And god only knows what else this scumbag has done, in light that many developments of this jerks legacy are still being uncovered.

                                                 Bill Ayers, Terrorist

                                             Bernadine Dorn, Terrorist

No, I don't think very highly of anyone who is anti-American. And make no mistake, Obama was possibly the most anti-American president we have seen. Hillary would have been right up there too, but thankfully we were given a reprieve.

                                    Obama Library of Socialism and Lies

Both Obama and Hillary belong behind bars awaiting sentencing for 'treason.' If (and that's a BIG if) justice truly exists, both of these criminals' crimes will be discovered, and both will end up behind bars, and the sooner- the better! As a Chicagoan, I'm personally 'disgusted' that twig of a Muslim would even 'identify' with Chicago (he's from Hawaii, maybe).

And unlike most, I watched as this socialist scumbag rose through the ranks here in Illinois. Let's just say, he obviously got lots of help! He should never have been 'selected' president, nor even senator from the great state of Illinois! Talk about being 'unfit,' there's your man. And I use that term very lightly. He may not even be married to a 'woman.' Remember the late Joan Rivers' comments about Michelle Obama.

And it's worse than that. There are links to Michelle and 'human body harvesting,' from here in Chicago. Remember, she did work as an administrator for a hospital here in Chicago. What a great position to be in for 'harvesting human organs,' and selling them on the 'black market.' These people are revolting, and even writing about them makes me ill.

Side Note: with respect to America's 'foreign policies,' many around the world have indeed been 'victimized,' and do have a legitimate right to be mad as hell at America. I say this because unlike most, I'm well aware that our Secretary of State's are 'chosen' by the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) based out of the UK, or specifically the 'City of London.' I'd dare anyone to show me a 'conservative secretary of state since 1913.' So, when I say 'un-American,' I speak of Americans, not foreigners who may have a legitimate right to their grievances towards US foreign policies. And for what it's worth, my condolences. You're human beings who all long for the same thing as any American citizen does.

Here's the link to the story. 

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