Wednesday, March 8, 2017


For the media to sit back and act as though Trump is 'out of his mind,' and making it up that Obama did indeed 'wiretap' Trump tower, is just pure baloney. Obama unlike presidents before him is not going away! He was put into power to help destroy America (from within), and he is continuing now from outside of the White House.

The media is complicit, and some within are completely 'in the know.' Operation Mockingbird, never 'went away!' It's still being used, and the sooner the American people learn and understand what this program is, they will either continue to fall for the lies of the media, or just become so disgusted, they'll tune out. I myself 'tuned out,' for the 8 years that Obama was in the White House. Thankfully, I found 'alternative news,' to fill the gap, and get 'real news.' Why do you think there's been all this 'disinformation,' and calls of "fake news," and attacks upon the "alternative news?" It's not by chance!

Many within the MSM are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Am I saying they're all 'bad?' No. But most are. Just as within government, you have those who are true patriotic Americans, you also have those who would do anything to 'sabotage' the very country they live and work in. These people are complete traitors, they hate America, and they are in every facet of America. From the teachers in the school systems, to the doctors and medical profession (more than you'd EVER know!) to those working in positions of power in Washington DC.

And don't fall for the BS lie "conspiracy theory!" I don't have anything to do with conspiracy 'theories,' I have everything to do with 'conspiracy FACTS!' Big difference! Just yesterday I posted (with proof) how the word "conspiracy theory" is nothing but an invention of the CIA! Look it up! Those who are a part of this plan to 'destroy America from within,' don't want you to know the truth! They want the "truth suppressed." Just as bugs don't generally like the light, neither do these people. Right now, there is a 'purge' going on behind the scenes, and the media is by in large suppressing most of it!

Thankfully, there are also people in high levels who are actively working against this agenda. To put if bluntly, there is an "info-war." Hilary Clinton testifying before congress (in one of her many appearances) publicly stated, "there is an information war, and we are losing it." This testimony came as she was speaking to congress as 'secretary of state.' Anyone who thinks the "Clinton machine," and the "Obamanites" who both hate America and have spent their lives actively working behind the scenes, are going to ride off into the sunset, are totally mistaken.

As to the "riots and protests," most of those are being manufactured by various outlets of the George Soros organizations. In other words, those are far from being 'organic, grassroots movements.' They're being heavily financed by billions of dollars to help enslave America and continue with what was begun by first the Clinton's, and secondly Obama. These people are the "deep state." So for a 'journalist' (so-called) like Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday to sit there and act surprised when he hears the term "deep state," shows he is either clueless, or he's pretending to be. I report, you decide!

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