Sunday, March 5, 2017

Schumer on Trump claims: Either way, the president is 'in trouble'

I saw this 'headline,' and though oh no, what happened now? Then I realized who was making the source, the person 'shooting off' their mouths expelling nothing but hot air, Sen "Chucky" Schumer," Brooklyn, NY native? If wasn't born there (chances high he was), should have been born there..., so, it's just the "loyal opposition," making their rounds on as many networks as they can get invited to.

Yet at this moment, president Trump STILL has most of his cabinet not even in place, because of obstruction from the democrats. It's now official that Trump has 'the most' number of cabinet appointees still waiting for confirmation. Yet, democrats have plenty of time do all the Sunday morning shows? This is exactly why Trump was voted into office because people are fed up with all the bureaucratic nightmare that is Washington DC. we have one set of losers (democrats) sitting around talking out load to themselves primarily (as media ratings are even lower of congress) on networks that have ratings so low, they barely make a dent on any chart. Congress (democrats) need to wake up, realize their anointed Hilary lost the election BIG TIME, (and no, did not even win 'popular vote'), realize denial is not just a river in Egypt, and start confirming Trump's cabinet. I don't understand why GOP hasn't just taken 'nuclear option,' and thrown these people into their positions, as what is happening is a disgrace, and the real nightmare is seeing this disgusting man (fake crying, whining) sit there blathering all over himself, get the hell outta that seat and do the people's work! Or go back to Brooklyn, sleazeball!

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