Monday, March 27, 2017

Sanctuary Cities to Be Barred From Justice Department Funds, Sessions Says

Sounds good. But when you read deeper into this, you see that it's nothing 'different' than Obama did. And I'm beginning to see a longer list of such actions that Trump may have campaigned on, but for whatever reason, are not very different than what Obama did.

The election was largely a referendum against Obama, which is why Hilary lost because she was viewed as being "Obama's 3rd term!" And yet what we're getting with Trump is just that- an Obama "3rd term!" At this rate it won't be long before people start waking up and realizing this and start letting it be known. I'm already sounding the alarm, because if this is what Trump is going to do, then how much of a difference will he be than if Hilary had won the White House?

And oh, I know. "Guns control, TPP, globalization, liberal judge (don't get me started on Judge Gorsuch!). I believe I wrote about him last night. He's not whom he's been presented as, which is yet another 'failure' on Trump's behalf. And before you write me off as being 'anti-Trump,' I'm far from it. I supported him, read my posts! The problem I have with Gorsuch is he was a 'rubber stamp' for the false and bogus Iraq war, but even worse- for 'torture,' thanks to Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Bush Jr, being the 'dunce' puppet.

At this point, I can almost see and wonder whether Trump will just say, 'screw this,' (not having ever been a politician) and just 'quitting.' The man is a 'winner,' who's not used to losing, and he's been losing more than he's been winning. Oh, but he's bringing 'jobs,' he's locking up 'illegals,' well first of all, it's only March. I really don't think you can credit (in all fairness) any job growth to Trump for the month of January, and you can even argue February, but I'll give him that. As for 'illegals,' Obama locked up more 'illegals' than the media let the public know, look at the numbers for yourself! It just wasn't headline news, because of it looking "politically incorrect."

It almost seems as though because of all the media feuding, the in-fighting between republicans, and all the rioting and non-sense, that Trump has just decided to try and get away with only what Obama did (the good parts that is). After all, the 'travel ban' was approved and incorporated through the Obama administration. Yet the media, nor his own party gave him a hard time. Hell, no republicans gave Obama a hard time for that matter either! Obama got a 'free pass' on just about everything he did for the majority, if not all of his first term in office because of simply being the "first black president." Pure and simple. Yet, nobody would even dare utter this fact until around his second term.

By Obama's second term thanks to the 'free pass' he'd been given by the media and the republicans, it went straight to his already bloated ego, and he felt as though he could do and get away with just about anything. And he almost did. He's obviously still lucking behind the 'shadows' of Trump watching his every move. He's 'wiretapped' Trump, and where's the investigation going? Is Obama still going to get a pass even in his 'retirement' (so-called)? I think Obama's actually working harder NOW than he ever did as president, doing all he can to help Trump fail as president. The 'wiretapping' was just the beginning.

Why Trump is 'tip-toeing' in Obama's shoes, attempting to make the same implements Obama did is beyond me. This is why I said, don't be surprised if Trump just decides to 'quit.' Believe me, I'm not saying he should, but he does need to remain 'bold,' and stop with the tip-toeing. If he really wanted to create a 'travel ban,' why in the world would he take it back to the 9th circus court a second time? If he knew there was so much division around "Obama care," why make it the first thing on his list? Get a 'sure win' first!

I want Trump to succeed! But what I'm seeing here is beginning to smell funky. I wouldn't (and don't) even put the blame entirely on Trump. I'd argue that he's surrounded by some 'cowards,' RHINO'S and flat-out "traitors" who do not want to see him succeed for personal reasons, or god knows what. I've heard nothing good even about his 'son in law' Jared Cushner whom is married to his daughter. And this comes from a high level intelligence field operative, who knows how things work in Washington. Look at Cushner's 'family background!' How in the world did Trump allow his daughter to even marry this guy?

Maybe Trump is too loyal to all the wrong people? It's a well known fact that he's known to be very loyal almost to a fault. Maybe that's his problem? And for any Trump supporter who thinks I'm just being too 'mean,' wake up! I'm trying to stir this man up! Too many things are not clicking. The whole media thing is a total distraction and waste of his time, he shouldn't even bother dealing with it. Why hasn't he gone after Hilary? Why hasn't he gone after Obama? Especially after finding out that creep who never should have been president has 'illegally wiretapped him,' and that George Soros is helping to fund all these anti-Trump movements, and on and on. It's time to kick some a** "politically speaking! That's what I'm talking about. And not just to some reporter, but in real life. Time to unleash his Attorney General and either fire the current FBI do nothing idiot, and hire a replacement, or investigate Comey and hire a replacement! He's surrounded by the swamp, and he's beginning to drown in it.

Unless he starts taking some serious action against all those who are out to cuase him to fail, including those within his own party, he's going to wind up being the one to drain IN the swamp! Enough! Fight back!!! Get rid of Priebus (however you spell it, "Renfield" is more like it), start looking at having Paul Ryan removed as being an ineffective 'speaker of the house,' and drip this judge Gorsuck! Yes, only one letter separates this man from who he 'really is.' And stop messing around with the media! Who give's a crap what they say? Nobody watches them anyway!

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