Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Twitter suspended more than 636,000 accounts since 2015 to tackle extremism

Seems like "censorship" is the topic of the day. So here's yet ANOTHER article on how American (so-called) companies are prostrating themselves before their globalist 'masters.' Talk about being spineless!

Go right ahead- censor us ALL! I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time before I become one it's next victims, to which I say "MAKE MY DAY!"

I've lived the majority of my life without 'social media,' and the Internet. And I've done pretty well for myself, thank you very much. I don't need 'social media,' I don't need the Internet! And I sure as hell don't need "globalism," or anyone telling me what I can and cannot say!

For those who 'depend' upon social media and the Internet- I pity you! You're going to have to make a decision, either bow down and 'censor yourself,' or risk being a casualty in today's modern wave of 'conservative censorship.' I predict all of this 'witch-hunt' will back-fire in their faces, but let them try installing their fascism. And if you're a liberal and think this is a good thing, think again, because once a certain group of people get censored- you'll me next, it's just a matter of time!

Of the 636,000 Twitter accounts that have been 'suspended,' I wonder how many have been due solely to having a different political view? I'm sure some of those accounts may have been suspended for posting something totally disgusting, vulgar, or flat out stupid, but I'm also sure quite a few of those have been suspended purely for espousing a political view that is deemed 'offensive,' in a 'politically correct' dumb-downed society.

Every political dictator from the 20th century would be very proud of Twitter and Google and YouTube!

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