Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Facebook Caught 'Censoring' Some of My Posts

For over the past couple weeks or so, I'd thought something strange was happening at FB. While I don't normally post directly off of FB for any number of reasons, I do 'link' to FB. Well, just today I had it confirmed.

I had at least 3 posts which as usual were 'linked' to FB. Yet upon visiting FB, I noticed a 'gap.' Some of my posts which should have been old, were my most 'recent' posts. Obviously some posts are going through, while others are not. I'm I already know certain websites are being heavily, if not outright 'banned' from being posted on FB, so that may or may not account for the 'inconsistency' of why some posts get linked, while others do not. I could care less.

FB is on the bottom of the totem pole for my use of 'social media.' I only bother linking, because I can. Being that I do have total control over the content of what is posted on this blog, I can see all the data, such as where my audience resides, what platforms they're logging onto from, etc. Nothing personal, just general information, probably more useful for 'computer nerds,' of which I am not.

Then I happened to have tuned into today's Alex Jones' show, and heard a report that they too have been having problems with FB, and basically the same situation. Some content goes through, while others are outright banned. Jones' Infowars is similar to my blog in that I report on other people's stories adding commentary as I see fit. However I have written, and am writing more and more stories that are entirely of my own making. That will be 'fun' to watch as the social media police decide whether it passes their standards or not. Ask me if I could care.

My only purpose in using 'social media' to begin with is because that is where you'll find some of the least informed persons. I don't say that in a derogatory manner, but let's face it, most people don't go onto, or use social media to read about 'politics,' or what is happening in society. Most go to social media to keep in touch with friends, and meet other people. To each his or her own. Not my point, not the issue. The issue is over a public platform which operates within the United States, is based in the United States, and is more and more turning to 'censorship' as a way to 'stifle news stories' that may or may not meet their particular worldview.

Since I come from more of a 'conservative' point of view, I automatically fall into a category that goes against the grain. You don't have to be anyone important to know (from personal experience) that conservatives are often the ones who face censorship, due to corporations and big social media sites being owned by liberals. And quite contrary to what they'd have you to believe, those people who claim to have a monopoly upon "tolerance," are more often than not your most 'intolerant persons!' Ironic wouldn't you think? That's because these people are not liberal, they're "totalitarian." You could even make an argument that many are straight out 'fascists,' though they attempt to reverse engineer the term- don't fall for it!

So, 'yours truly' is now being targeted for "censorship" little by little on Facebook! I take that as a complete "badge of honor!" I will wear this badge proudly! Thank you, Mark Zuckerberg and co. Zuckerberg of course, is the same person who called his users "dumb F'ers!" Well, I would tend to agree with him, but not for the same reasons. But for him to say this, is quite another story. Calling your own consumers this term, is not in his own best interest, but I really don't believe he's the 'brightest bulb in the kitchen.'

Thankfully, or I should say the good news is that the majority of people who read my posts here are not coming from Facebook, so the little "Twit" can censor me all day long, and it wouldn't have any impact upon the number of views this blog receives! I just find it so stupid to be so anti-free speech. While it would be one thing if he were simply censoring 'profanity,' or something vulgar, but to censor things related solely to politics, or society at large is just stupid. Not good for business, but truth be told, the 'man-child' wasn't even smart enough to have created Facebook. But that's another post for another day.

And this is a perfect example of a  post I had begun this past week titled, "Internet Ghettos." See the people who run much of social media are in the business of "duming down society" not enlightening them! Not informing them! This has been the agenda of the elite for quite some time. That too is a post of it's own that I could write in the future. And this is nothing new! The 'elite,' want to keep everything for themselves, and they'll at best throw you and I the crumbs. And turn around and use it a a "tax deduction," or as a way of saying among themselves, look at me, I'm providing a service for mankind!

So a big shout-out to Mark Zuckerberg, and his global eitest friends! Keep in mind, this guy was in Germany having a meeting with Chancellor Merkel, and it was reported that she had a talk wit him about seeing too many reports about "illegal immigration," that she was upset about. So, "Zuki" being the good little globalist shill, is reportedly said to have told her, I'll do something about this. What a shill.

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