Monday, March 13, 2017

Is Google another step closer to being unblocked in China?

This is why Google and Facebook owned by Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg have been "censoring" certain news, and basically anything that goes against what they stand for, which is pretty much the truth! Both of these turn-coat pieces of work are attempting to penetrate the Chinese market, which is 'highly censored."

So in order to get Google and Facebook into China, they're using all types of filters and "Internet police," to weed out certain types of information. Basically, if you're a conservative, chances are you may already have been 'censored' and don't even know it. Twitter is another piece of work attempting to do the same thing. If these idiots want to live in a 'censored' country, move to China, see what it's like over there, then come back to America.

What is it with people who have made more money in a capitalist society, who turn around, and want to trash it's way of life? Oh, that's right, these people believe they 'owe no allegiance' to America. Well, then to them I say- GET THE HELL OUT!!! OUT, OUT OUT! Love America, or get the hell out: Schmidt and Zuckerberg!!! I'm sure this post will be "censored" from Facebook. Ask me it I give a damn? For that matter, ask me what I 'really think' about these idiots? Oh, by the way- China is still refusing to let Zuckerberg take Facebook into China. Dumba##!

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