Thursday, March 23, 2017

Alphabet Chairman Eric Schmidt: We 'can't guarantee' ads won't appear next to offensive content

Those who've read this blog over the past week know I've been writing a LOT about "censorship." It's becoming a big topic among the kingpins of 'social media websites.' CEO's such as Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg, and the CEO of Twitter have all been in the news lately discussing this.

All of this leads back to prior to Trump winning the election. Obama and his crony Hilary Clinton were so sure she was going to win the election that there was legislation just waiting to be pushed through Congress to target 'conservative' websites, blogs, talk radio and cable networks. Though Hilary lost the election, much of this legislation has remained on the table, albeit via now covert means, some of which Trump may not even be aware of, though he should.

It's no secret there are many Obama 'hold-outs' still in their positions who have no business being where they are, and it's through these people and the democrat party that attempts are still being made as though Trump never won this election, to move forward with 'shutting down' what amounts to nothing more than "free speech." The party of "tolerance and inclusion and diversity" are working overtime to shut down the likes of Drudge Report, Breitbart and Infowars. In many cases at least two of the three sites listed have even been falsely accused of even (as Trump) being working with the "Russians." And they're doing so with (as with Trump) absolutely no truth, no facts! Nothing.

At least two television programs were created with the assumption that Hilary Clinton would be the next US president; Homeland and Madame President are both examples.

So it's not big surprise the democrats are highly upset that their 'goddess,' Hilary Clinton was defeated in the election. And being as crooked as most of them are, (this applies to many republicans as well), these people are the ones primarily behind this entire "Russian ruse" non-sense being aided and abetted by the media whom all primarily favored a Clinton win in November.

Another aspect of this 'social media witch hunt' is the fact that Google, Facebook and Twitter want to break into the Chinese marketplace where needless to say "censorship" is the only means by which business is operated, from their 'state run propaganda media,' to their heavily censored Internet. Due to censorship being how the Chinese operate, any company from America such as the likes of Google, Facebook and Twitter have basically been told "censor your American users," and we'll consider granting you access to our market with its billion or so users who wouldn't know 'free speech' unless they've visited the United States.

Thus we have the likes of Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerburg and Twitter all vying to do whatever it takes to gain access to the Chinese market, even if it means censoring their own American users, despite the fact that we do have a constitutional right to "free speech." If any of these men had a spine, they'd tell China what to do, or better yet not waste their time attempting to enter such a totalitarian system. And what is wrong with these stooges willing to prostrate themselves before the Chinese oppressive government?

All these social media moguls already have more money than they know what to do with or spend in their lifetimes. So due to pure 'greed,' these sell outs are willing to censor their own countrymen, for access to China. Talk about a group of gutless, soulless creeps. But this is what 'progressives' do. They don't like free-speech! They know they can't compete on a level playing field when it comes to debate, and the concepts of our Founding Fathers which made this country the great nation it is. It's flat out sickening and disgusting.

We are moving onto dangerous ground. There are 'two America's.' One side "progressives" who make false claims, but stand for the opposite of what they say, and those who hold to the ideas of "freedom," capitalism, competition, and other ideas our Founding Fathers stood for which are enshrined within the Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights. These two sides cannot continue to coincide without a rebellion breaking out. Such is the 'tolerance' of the left.

And to the Eric Schmidt's of the world, I'd like to ask you, just who are you to decide just what is "offensive content?" Anything said by one person can easily be construed as being "offensive" to another person. "Political correctness" is a nice spin on "free speech." All of this stems from political correctness, which is nothing short of 'social engineering.' And if you do not understand this term, I highly suggest you do some research on it! Every two-bit dictator from the 20th century would have loved to have used this term.

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