Friday, March 3, 2017

Obama Working to Sabotage President Trump!

Unlike most presidents who retire into the sunset, and you don't really hear much from, Obama is not riding off into the sunset as other former presidents have. At least he's not coming back to Chicago! He was said to be moving to Hawaii, his place of birth (so we think); there is no way he'd be able to live in Chicago, due to all the security detail, it would create a nightmare for motorists in the city.

His "presidential library" which was to be built I believe near the University of Chicago, is in 'financial trouble,' such a shame. Then again, could it be because were this man to be investigated, I'm sure something would come up, and his presidential library would be nothing more than a 'monument of shame?' Time will tell.

One thing is for sure, Obama has bought a home in Washington DC, very close to the White House. I have also been hearing reports of his house having a "bunker." Why a bunker? But, anyone who read the many Wikileaks emails knows that as president, Obama once ordered $65,000 dollars of 'succulent hot-dogs!' I don't even want to go into that, other than to say, the word "hot-dog" has turned out to be a 'code-word' on the FBI data-base, for some other issues that came out in the Wikileaks emails which were from the democratic party, along with emails from Hilary Clinton, and long-time friend and supporter, John Podesta. This 'hot-dog' issue, is very disturbing, and I'll leave it at that. All I'll say is having heard what the FBI code for the term, 'hot-dog' is extremely disturbing, and $65,000 worth?

Aside from that matter, reports are swirling that Obama has recruited a lot of people to work with. You may recall, Obama was said to have been a "community organizer," I'd never heard of such a job prior to that. But with the recent arrest of sexual pervert Jerry Sandusky's son, Jeffrey, which if you connect some dots, this does weave a trail back to Washington, the purchase of $65,000 worth of "hot-dogs" starts to make a little bit of sense. And just think, all those 'hot-dogs' were purchased using US taxpayers' money! Yeah, it's pretty freaking disgusting. The list of characters in this ongoing saga is disgusting. If people only knew what has really happened behind closed doors leading up to the night of the election.

President Trump's attorney general is going to be one busy man! Is it any wonder why democrats and the media (brothers in crime?) are now after AG Jess Sessions with all this fake news about the "Russians." Yes, now attorney general Jess Sessions is being suspected of having done something illegal by talking to the Russians "allegedly." But, anyone who follows politics closely knows this is all nothing but a ruse! It's simply a 'distraction,' to deflect against some actual 'serious crimes' that have been committed by some people high up the 'food-chain.' Just a week or two ago there was a huge arrest made in Los Angeles, involving a "sex-ring" that may have ties to other things going on. And I'll leave it at that.

With all this going on, which is nothing short of being a major storm-brewing of biblical proportions, we have nothing but 'fake news' deflecting from where eyes and ears truly need to be looking towards. Add that to the fact, it was just revealed this past month that a former British prime minister was also involved in some very disgusting sex acts, and even murder! This is a "world-wide epidemic," that few want to believe, let alone talk about. Yet this most definitely does need to not only be talked about- action must be taken against anyone who is perpetrating hideous crimes against innocent children!

I believe the democratic party, and all those involved know that President Trump fully intends to have all of this thoroughly investigated, and the trail could lead to some very high level places, perhaps the Obama White House itself. Enter George Soros. I mentioned at the beginning that Obama is working with some people. George Soros just happens to be one of those people. With the utterly humiliating collapse and failure of Hilary Rodham Clinton's presidential defeat, and all that lead up to her defeat...there are plenty of angry, and nervous people in Washington DC, rightfully so right now.

These people are not only angry because Hilary lost, but because now there is a possibility that she just may end up being investigated for some serious and disgusting crimes, and people in DC are nervous because what could be exposed, could shake the very foundations of not only the democratic party, but some very sexually and criminally deviant perverts. This is why the democrats and media are not inventing and promoting all the 'fake news' stories about the Russians. It's nothing but a ruse, do not buy into it for a second!

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