Saturday, March 4, 2017

Obama is actively working to undermine Trump

Big news came out this morning when President Trump posted a Tweet stating former president Obama had "wiretapped" Trump tower, prior to the election. If true, this is huge! Not only is this illegal, this would be 'bigger than Watergate,' and hopefully Obama, and his surrogates, will finally be 'indicted.' He should have been "impeached," during his presidency, but congress did not have the will to do the right thing, and probably only because so many of these congressman are 'corrupt,' or 'compromised.'

But, in addition to having illegally wiretapped (allegedly) a presidential candidate, Obama is 'hiding' something much darker, and sinister. Much of this came out in the leaked emails of John Podesta, and Hilary Clinton which ultimately led to an investigation of former congressman Anthony Wiener, formerly married to close adviser Huma Abeden. Wiener had been under investigation, and all roads lead back to Hilary, Podesta, and Obama.

When it's found in the leaked emails, that 'sexual code-words' such as "hot-dogs" (among many other seemingly benign words) are on an FBI database for words used by "sexual predators," ie "pedophiles," we are into something very, very dark and ugly.

All the talk about the Russians this, Russian smoke in mirrors to distract from reality. And as the saying goes, "truth can be stranger than fiction."

Look at the reports of "spirit cooking," and the already aforementioned use of many innocuous 'code-words,' which can be found on an FBI database as being language used to sexually deviant people! Add to this fact that Obama had ordered (source: Wikileaks emails), Obama "ordered $65,000 dollars of succulent hot-dogs." You don't think something is there? Hilary had been reported to have joined a 'witches coven' (source: Larry Nichols, close Clinton insider) going back to the days of Bill Clinton being governor of the state of Arkansas. Not saying 'all' witches are into this, but Hilary was obviously into some 'darker form of satanism,' as are many of the elite. If this surprises you, it shouldn't!

Now, something the main stream media (MSM) has NOT been reporting on is that Trump has been having his attorney general and justice department going after 'known pedophile rings' across America. With the exception of only one such bust, happened in Los Angeles a week or two ago (454 persons, thereabouts); many other similar raids and busts have been ongoing. If you don't think this has gone unnoticed by Obama and his ilk, you are naive.

Former president Obama is a person with a very mysterious background, to say the least. Reports of him having visited "gay bathhouses in Chicago" (some with former chief of staff, now current mayor of Chicago Rahm Immanuel), are well known in the 'gay community' on the north side of Chicago. Anyone who's ever known or had a gay friend, knows many in that community are very close, and they do have a 'sub-culture.' This is not condemnation, just facts. I personally could care less who anyone chooses to sleep with, as long as its with a 'consenting adult.' But once 'children' are brought into the picture, that's a whole different story.

Anyone who's bothered to take a look and read any number of the leaked emails provided by Wikileaks, of John Podesta, Hilary Clinton, and others, know there are some very 'disturbing language,' found in those emails. Many dealing with children. I am not making ANY conclusions! But, at the very least, this must be investigated!

Why is it the MSM has by and large not reported on 'major busts' of pedophile rings happening all over America? Why did the media give what was contained in the leaked emails which are highly suggestive of some disgusting 'sexual practises,' and 'preferences' being discussed? We all know the media was in the tank for Hilary. We all know the same can be said of the media's treatment of the entire 8 years of Obama. Yet, Trump was never even afforded what has been a 'unwritten rule,' that a new presidential administration gets a "honeymoon period," for about the first 3 months of their administration.

Even prior to president Trump having taken office, there was much 'speculation' or "chatter" as those in the intelligence community would call it, as to whether Obama would 'leave office!' Well, if you look at the actions of the media and the democrat party, it would appear as though they still believe themselves to be in power. This goes a long way in explaining their arrogance, and all the media's bogus reporting of "Russia, Russia, Russia..." Russia on the brain syndrome?

Then instead of Obama moving to Hawaii was reported, he decides to stay in Washington DC? He's reported to have bought, or is in the process of building a compound? He has former adviser Valerie Jarrett 'living with him?' Come on! And Obama as radical as he is, would not have even made it to the White House, were it not with the help of some globalist elites. One name in particular (though there are others come to mind) George Soros. If any man can be labelled as an "enemy of the states," it would be George Soros! Well, Obama is nothing but a pathetic, little, chicken-neck weasel of the scumbag that is George Soros. Why he hasn't at the least been expelled (permanently) out of the US is well beyond me. But of course, far too many are 'apathetic,' and only believe what the 'main stream media' tells them to believe.

Remember, the media 'controls the narrative,' but only if you allow them to. And with the advent of 'alternative news,' more and more are choosing to get their facts from other sources. The media as recently as 2011 was given a mandate by the Obama administration to put it simply "reincorporate fake news," which had been made illegal via the Smith-Mundt act. Yes, Obama did this, look it up! Read the book "Propaganda," by Edward Bernays. Do your own research!

So to sum things up, (lots of things going on) it would appear as though at the very least Obama is attempting to cover his ass? Or as many speculated in the alternative media (which is the 'new media') is Obama attempting to maintain control? More could be said on that subject, as it may be that America is seemingly being torn apart (divide and conquer, oldest trick in the book) and we face the prospect of yet another 'civil war?'

Unless President Trump and congress call for a full investigation of Barack Hussein Obama, and Hilary Clinton (and others), a Trump administration will face nothing but one assault after another, be it via lies of being a "Russian agent," or whatever! The media is the 'enemy of not only the American people (via fake news) but clearly also of Donald J Trump. It is any wonder the media so dislikes the fact that Trump can use Twitter, and entirely by-pass all the filtering systems set in place, by a bunch of Saul Alinsky, self-absorbed, 'self-entitled' bullies and brats that are the media.

To be continued!

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