Monday, March 13, 2017

9/11 Truth (This Will Blow Your Mind!); Not Kidding! (UPDATED)


Prior to posting this video, I must admit, I'd never watched this. However I posted it because I know 9/11 was a total 100 percent- LIE! At least the "official government narrative." However, after now having only watched a part of this video, it has raised even MORE questions, and answered others.

This is 'serious stuff!' People need to be brought to justice! The Bush family, Dick Cheney, many within the Bush administration, the Saudi Royal family, and those in positions of power within the Israeli government ALL need to be 'investigated.' And don't believe the 9/11 Report! It comes from the very government who gave us 9/11 and it's "lie."

From what I have already seen (still haven't viewed this video in it's entirety, it would appear as though, no "Islamists, and no practicing Jews had any part in this. Yes, "Zionist's" were involved, yes, Arabs were involved. And of course Americans were involved. But, as this movie points out, these people answer to no country, nor do they follow ANY 'religion,' except perhaps Satanism, or "Luficerian," which in their minds there is a difference. There is NO difference!

These scumbags are 'globalists.' They're 'god' is (money, drugs, weapons and war).

This is possibly THE best 9/11 video I have seen, and I have seen 'plenty!'

Here's a video for any misinformed 'fool' who still clings to the government LIE about 9/11. If you've done your homework, as I have, there would be no more debate. This is a closed case- "inside job!"


What is differnet in this video (unlike many other similarly themed videos) is at the end (very end) are 10 "solutions" on how to resist and stop these criminal elite, and make no mistake, these people are homicidal, criminal, lying psyopathoic imred lyars...take back control! Stop participating in their programs. There are basically '300 families' ruling planet earth! I have this confirmed through various sources! So if 300 hundred 'imbred' families can do this, 300 'good families' (and easily countless more) can EASILY stop their 'money and armies' from continuing to put the rest of us under their rule. 

While I don't remember all '10' of their solutions, here are a few mentioned: 

1) stop voting (have heard this before, both 'pro and con,' (don't believe the 'con,' it's pure BS!

2) stop fighting these banker's illegal wars

3) take control of your own money (stop using their 'banking system,' including their credit cards

4) 'word of mouth' (very important) sharing videos like this, 'name names,' (not just faceless corporations, every corporation is owned by a person); and don't fall for 'I own stock' BS! ONLY 1 type of stock matters, "Type-A," and ONLY availible to 'elites,' and you aren't one of them

5) find tax loopholes. (these crooks do NOT pay ANY taxes- period!)

6) arrest (citizens's arrest) on the "family of 300" (aka comittee of 300, see book by same title written by John Coleman, read it, really good book. recommending books/videos/ etc is also on their list)

7) stop buying into their propaganda ie msm! ALL MSM news comes from 2 'outlets,' Reuters and AP (Associated Press); BOTH owned same families! drop the msm like a hot potato!

8) stop buying from 'big chain stores,' ie Walmart (all owned by these families) buy from small stores, farmer's markets, grow your own food (when possible)

9) Charities (STOP GIVING!) this one may sound surprising to some, but MOST of these charities are 'slush funds,' for money laundering, etc. WWF (World Wildlife Federation) 'WORST OFFENDER,' owned by Princh Philip (UK) 'eugenicist' (other charities, ditto. more money going towards NOT what they say); don't be fooled by 'emotion,' ie 'starving children,' 'battered animals.' 

10) stop 'playing their games,' giving up your power to 'unconstitutional laws!' 

11) don't give in to 'fear,' these scum know 'fear works.' 

12) educate yourselves, no excuse. these people want to 'eliminate you!' plain and simple. 

These people make up a 'fraction of not even 1 percent,' and they're not as smart as you'd expect due to 'inbreeding!' We 'outnumber' these people 99 percent, to a fraction of 1 percent! WE HAVE THE 'POWER!' WAKE UP!

These people do no like being 'exposed,' that's why you must 'name names!' To name a faceless corporation does nothing!

They don't like an 'informed public.' They'd rather you believe this is all 'conspiracy garbage,' it's NOT!

And these people KNOW should the 'masses' wake up to their BS, they're FINISHED! GAME OVER!

Start your own blogs, make videos, start sharing information 'word of mouth,' etc, etc. These people CAN be defeated! And if you're a 'Christian,' don't buy into this phony teaching going on dealing with Romans chapter 13, about "being obedient to government!" I've heard all about this 'government mandated program' being used by 501-C-3 tax-exempt 'state run churches,' with their FEMA response 'clergy members,' all trained an ready to tell their congregations, "report to FEMA camps,' and turn in your weapons, submit to the government.' DON'T BUY IT! If you attend a 'church' with that kind of 'pastor,' (so-called) look for another church! These people know "religion is the opiate of the masses!" Nowhere in the bible does it say, a person "needs to attend ANY church!" Associate with like minded individual, of course! I'm working on a degree in Theology, I know exactly what I'm talking about 'from the inside!'

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