Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Here's the truth the media is NOT telling people about the so-called "crime problem" in Chicago. And it's going unreported because of "political correctness."

The FACT of the matter is the "crime rate" in Chicago is NOT widespread by any stretch of the imagination, I know. Chicago's "crime problem" is in the urban parts of the city that are all black neighborhoods. The crime problem is "black on black crimes," most is 'gang related.'

But the media will not report this inconvenient truth.

Yet its made to seem as though Chicago is an out of control dangerous city! WRONG! Correct (ONLY) is you are a black person living in a poor black neighborhood. Media will not tell you this. Though this is a known fact to those who live in and around Chicago, what is the 'mayor' of Chicago doing about it? Apparently nothing.

Immaunel yet another failed democrat attempting to destroy a city, is not popular in the least with most people. He's been publicly 'booed off the stage,' after he attempted to attend a rally after both the Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley-Cup, and after the Chicago Cubs won the World Series.

Personally the only way I can even imagine this guy won his election was due to pure 'fraud.' Or possibly a large black voter turn-out? Still, the numbers would not add up, that's how un-popular this former Obama chief of staff member is. Obama himself whom has not visited Chicago since leaving office, would probably not be well received in most parts of Chicago- even within many black communities! But of course, people seem to not realize Obama is not a native of Chicago. He's a 'carpet bagger,' from god knows where.

So you have 2 persons both democrats, Obama and his former chief of staff, and for the black community, they have failed the very constituents whom they expect to turn out and vote democrat. Any wonder Trump received the highest number of black American votes of any republican candidate?

Chicago is STILL a great city (in spite of Rahm Immanuel) and I don't see ANY democrat being able to change that unlike they have in other US cities. Chicago is one tough city. I mean that in a good way. But this 'crime problem' needs to be correctly reported by the media. There are two Chicago's; "black urban Chicago," and the rest of Chicago. And no politician seems to be doing anything to help those trapped in "black Chicago."

Chicago has probably THE 'toughest' Police force in America, it's high time they are allowed to do their job!

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