Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Loneliness on the RISE: One in eight people have no close friends to turn to

Loneliness on the rise? How can this be in the age of "social media?" While more and more find comfort knowing they have a large amount of 'followers,' and 'friends,' on both Twitter and Facebook, how can this be?

Speaking of such terms, just who created the phrase "social media?" And why are so many seemingly obsessed with large numbers on both Twitter and Facebook? As it stands right now, I don't believe people with a large amount of "friends" on these social media networks are any better off, or happier for that matter than those witch smaller numbers.

Personally, I find that I have very little contact, or interaction with friends or followers on either platform. Nor could I truly care. If anything belonging to any social media platform could actually be more 'dangerous,' or compromising than any good that may come with these sites. I would even argue, having a large following with little to no interaction between others could end up being more of a 'downer,' than not having, or better yet- 'using' any of these Internet "cesspool."

On one level, there is a bright side to being on either of the two major social media websites, such as if you have a blog so you can help it grow with it getting more 'visibility.' Otherwise, to simply tweet or post for the sake of it...there are so many other things people can be doing.

Here's the link to the story, for those so inclined to indulge themselves. As for me, I'm just about done with 'social media.'                                          

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