Saturday, March 4, 2017

Trump's Enemies Not Only Democrats!

While it is easy to see who Trump's 'political enemies' are on the left, few forget that many withing Trump's own party worked very hard during his nomination process (the primaries) to defeat Trump.

These were the GOP "blue-bloods," the elites within the party. Then you have the 'neo-con' faction, which may or may not also consist of some of the elite, blue-bloods. Yet whatever they call themselves, or how you look at them, make no mistake- they 'hate, loath and despise' Trump with as much venom as any democrat.

The list of these people reads like a 'guest list' of just about any Fox News program. People such as: Speaker of the house, Paul Ryan, Newt Gingrich, Jeb Bush, Rudy Giuliani ("America's mayor"), Senate Majority leader, Mitch McConnell, Sen John (Vietnam 'choir-boy') McCain, Lindsey Graham, etc, etc. And unfortunately these vipers hold prominent positions within the GOP.

To place ALL the blame on Obama and the democrats would be short-sighted and naive. The phony 'conservative' republicans, aka RHINO's would love nothing more than to see Trump not succeed entirely. Only on things that benefit themselves would they stand in his corner, being ever the 'political swamp monsters they are. This is why I believe in "term limits." The Founding Fathers never intended that serving in government was meant to be a "career." Same hold true for members of the Judicial branch, as they too are prone to lead any country into nothing less than an Oligarchy. Who gave us "Obamacare" if you look it at deeply...Supreme Court, led by no less than a 'Bush nominee,' John Roberts (Knights of Malta); who incidentally after having cast his vote which could have squashed this beast, voted in favor of it...well he traveled) to "Malta" after his difficult decision to pass Obamacare. Really? I don't buy it.

...and I know who and where the Knights of Malta's allegiance truly are with.

Then Trump (for some reason) even has at least 2 members in his own cabinet who in my opinion do not belong there. Chief of staff Reince Pribus, who as former head of the RNC 'withheld' money from Trump that was to be used to spend on television advertising! People have such short memories. Now that little creep is 'chief of staff?' Then you have the VP, (vice president) Mike Pence, who clearly, clearly showed himself off just within the past couple weeks to be yet another "globalist," while speaking on foreign soil in Germany I believe to a group of 'globalists,' may have been EU politicos, don't recall, so much happening all at once. But, Pence is not one I would turn my back on, let alone have as my VP!

But, they say history repeats itself. Just as Ronald Reagan wanted nothing to do with his VP, George H W Bush (Skull & Bones, incidentally so is Ben Carson, sec of HUD?); anyway, Reagan rightly understood who Bush was, and wanted no part of him. But, as has been reported a deal was made, and either Reagan had to accept Bush, or not receive the GOP nomination. Six months later into his first term, Reagan went through a failed assassination (John Hinckley, Jr; who just so happened to have had connections with the Bush family); so, Trump had better keep that in mind! Take a good look at Pence. All you ever hear is how 'admired and respected his in across both sides of the aisles,' right...just like Bush Sr was.

As to 'why' Trump would have these people in their positions, I've heard it explained that 'he has these people there to help him to navigate his way around, until he figures it out.' Sorry- don't buy it! And that comes from one of his biggest 'cheer-leaders' on the alternative news site I couldn't disagree with their assessment more. There are other people who could have been selected.

Though this post is about Trump's enemies from 'within,' why is he allowing Obama 'hold-overs' to remain in their positions? Should have been fired; Day 1!

My understanding of Sean Spicer is that he is a 'friend' of Reince Pribus. He too needs to go. He may be yet another, if not 'the' leaker. This is really a case of Trump vs the world! Enemies from without, and enemies from within. Kind of a microcosm of what he's sworn an oath to, which is "defend America from both enemies foreign and domestic." Well, Trump just may have more enemies from within, than foreign.

While I think he's done a good job, thus far; one of the first things he needed to do was to go after Hilary Clinton, as promised during his campaign. Looks like it's beginning to haunt him now. By going after Hilary, he'll inevitably end up going after Obama essentially taking 2 of his biggest enemies simultaneously, sending a message to the rest. And that is how military leaders are taught to fight in a war, take off the head of your enemy (metaphorically speaking). Maybe I should send a copy of the Art of War by Sun Szu to president Trump? He is in a war.

As for his military appointments, I am not familiar with any of them, so I won't bother commenting on any of them. But I do know that a 'general' is a political position. So, they too must have an ideology and be partial to whomever promoted them to general.

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