Monday, March 27, 2017

Trump administration weighs deeper involvement in Yemen war

Does America need to get involved in yet 'another war?' Just who is advising Trump? I know in this matter it's Gen Mattis who's asking for the US to become involved, but overall, its looking like Trump's cabinet has been taken over by "neo-cons."

Just recently Gen Mattis even made a remark before congress that was in direct opposition to his boss. What gives here? Are the people Trump chose for his cabinet even on the same page? At this point, is sure isn't looking as though that is the case. Let Saudi Arabia take care of Yemen! It's their neighbor! Just as North Korea is China's neighbor, let those whom are threatened by their neighbors take actions against them.
How long does America need to be the "policemen" of the world? And just where is this found in our Constitution? I really don't see Yemen being a remote 'danger' to our overall National security! Again, let Saudi Arabia, who has their own military and air force do what they need to to!

The Saudis aren't even a 'true ally!' 11 of the 19 "9/11 hijackers" were from Saudi Arabia! Yet America went to war against Iraq and Afghanistan as though that made any sense, and we're still in Afghanistan 15 years later! Give me a break! Not only are we still in Afghanistan (protecting the 'heroin crops,' truth be told); we're also militarily involved in about a half-dozen other nations! This has got to stop!

Yet here in the US, we can't even put together a financial budget, or work on bringing down our debt! And programs that are most needed for those with financial hardships (due to no fault of their own) are looking to be possibly 'cut!' I've heard Trump talking about 'building our military,' and yet I've heard many withing the military state that we do not need to be spending "billions upon billions" as Trump has called for! The same person has stated we have 'too many general, and all we need is half the current amount!' And this is not coming from a liberal from any stretch of the imagination. This is coming from a very smart man who is very well-respected.

It's time we take care of our own people, and our own country! Trump needs to dismiss any 'neo-cons' around him, because it's beginning to stick like the swamp again! NO, to 'deeper involvement in the Yemen war!' 

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