Saturday, March 18, 2017

Laptop holding Trump Tower floor plans, Hillary Clinton email investigation info stolen from Secret Service agent

Gee, isn't this 'convenient?' Convenient to Hilary Clinton, that is. And oh a "secret service agent" was involved in this when it's already come out that at least one secret service agent went on record stating they 'wouldn't take a bullet for Trump!'

I think it's high time the Trump administration has Obama and Hilary indicted for any number of possible crimes, not the least of which is attempting to subvert the current administration, and obstruct any possible investigation into Hilary's 'missing emails.' These are serious crimes! The media too needs to be investigated. They have been colluding with Obama and its only obvious that they're attempting to 'deligitimize' the new president, with all this false Russian spy claims which is 'fake news' on steroids.

What is the problem with the new AG Sessions? Is he afraid to open an investigation? Has he been compromised? Give me a break. During the campaign Trump often said he would have Hilary investigated. So what's changed? Has he been threatened? The Obamas and the Clinton's are a dismal failure and have done many things for which they could easily be indicted over.

Attorney General Session, wake your job! Enough of all this BS that is just festering and ongoing. Doesn't Trump realize this garbage is NEVER going to stop? And now we're to believe a secret service agent (with sensitive documents) belonging to Hilary just happened to have been 'stolen?' Give me a break!

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