Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Advertisers seek more control after unintended Breitbart spots

Need more proof 'advertisers' are un-American and pro-globalist? Conservatives already face tougher standards and control when it comes to advertising. But with the fact globalism is getting is hat handed to them on a silver platter with the rejection of both Obama and Hilary Clinton, globalists companies are making sure no conservatives get any advertising. 

What a surprise?!

This is only going to make conservatives more motivation and drive to not only exploit globalism for what it is- fascism, but will back-fire in their faces. They cannot compete on an even playing field. So they need to resort to 'censorship.' Globalism is afraid of being exposed and turning into a pile of dust like a vampire before sunlight. I wonder whether David Rockefeller has turned into a pile of dust by now, by the way?

While those on the left think it 'trendy' and think they're being a 'rebel' serving the globalists, nothing could be further from the truth. It's conservatives who are the true 'rebels' and the ones who've got the balls! Note to musicians and loud moth celebrities, if you want to really be a 'rebel,' stop slandering Christianity, and start telling the truth about 'extreme Islamist's,' the ones who would love to cover your women in a burkas, have their rights subjugated, and force you to bow and prostrate yourselves before "Allah."

...oh that's right, you take a chance they might attack you, as opposed to Christians who will turn the other cheek. Yeah, you liberals are such 'rebels,' NOT.

For those who want America to prosper and shun globalism, sending it straight back to hell from whence it came from...its time to start "boycotting" all their businesses! They'll have a 'come to Jesus moment' soon enough. Time to grow a spine America! Or do nothing and get ready to convert to Islam because that's why globalists have been promoting them. They'd love to see you living under 'stone-age' laws and customs.

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