Thursday, March 9, 2017

Alert: Facebook implements internet censorship regime that is already targeting alternative media

I addressed this just yesterday, now here's more proof of what I'm talking about. It's one thing to 'hear' about someone else being 'censored,' it's quite another to experience it for yourself. Because of 'apathy' many will not know or understand what is going on.

But once a person has seen enough, knows enough, it would be against all I was taught, or believed, to not speak up and let people know what is going on in America. People have taken their 'freedom' for granted! It's easy to do nothing, say nothing, and do nothing.

America is under attack. all the more with Trump having won an election he 'wasn't supposed to win.' Why do you think the media and even a former president are doing things unheard of? Globalism has been dealt a serious blow. First came BREXIT, now Trump...LePen (France); and other leaders running for office, are throwing a wrench onto the faces of those with dreams of a "globalist society," which has been in the making for many years.

Here's a post I'm sure will 'mysteriously disappear' from FB. 

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