Wednesday, March 1, 2017

CNN’s Mary Katharine Ham: I’m Bothered By Suggestion That Ryan Owens’ Widow Was ‘Only a Political Prop’

Let the dead, bury the dead. You shouldn't throw stones from a glass house. Look, democrats are notorious for bringing out their usual line-up of 'victims.' They own this 'strategy.' They should have it copyrighted!

For them to 'criticize' Trump for having the widow-of the Seal who died on a mission is ridiculous. But, that is the state of the democratic party, now more than ever! Obama wasn't a leader, he was a disaster! He almost single-handedly (with a little help from his communist friends) took America down!

Obama, though after serving as president for the past 8 years, is a 'multi-millionaire,' how did he make all those millions? We know how much a president makes per year. It's impossible to become filthy rich- as a president. But of course, the same can be said of the Clinton's who though claiming to be "broke" are both worth millions. You do not become "rich" as a public servant (and that's what they were- servants!) unless, you're doing something highly illegal!

The "Bush family" were already wealthy, so can't point any fingers there, other to say, they too probably left office with a 'bigger bank account.' They're criminals! That's how they made their money, but at least they made it 'before' serving as president(s). I make no excuses for the Bushes, either one of them- total criminal family.

As for Trump using (allegedly) the widow of a Navy Seal whom died in combat, well what exactly was wrong about that? If you want to talk about the woman's 'reaction,' now...never-mind. Of course 'they' went there too, but that was to be expected. But, accusing Trump of using her as a "prop?" Give me a freaking break. Democrats invented the 'art' of dragging out all their lines of "victims." They'd love to drag you out at some political event given the opportunity.

Whatever you think about Trump, he has not only "trumped" both the Bushes, and the Clinton's. He's saved America from having yet either another Bush or Clinton from sitting in the Oval office. That alone is to be grateful for! Trump is "trumping" the entire democratic party, beating them at their own game! Now sit down (democrats) and shut up!

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