Friday, March 17, 2017

Dutch elections: Turkish minister claims 'holy wars will soon begin in Europe' after Geert Wilders beaten

What is wrong with Turkey, it's 'president' and its leadership in general? I posted an article about Erdogan just yesterday. This man is delusional to say the least. Now he and his leadership are talking about "Holy Wars," Turkey being an Islamic state (now); while previously they were a more 'moderate state.'

But apparently, Erdogan wants to 'rule Europe?' At the very least he is wanting to be the next Islamic Caliphate! This man truly is delusional. This man is dangerous, not only to the Netherlands a country who has dared to stand up to him, but also to Europe as well.

Again, just what is this man's problem?

This just once again goes to show, "Islam is NOT a religion of peace," as we were told originally by then president George W. Bush, despite the fact that the alleged perpetrators of 9/11 were Muslim. And where did Bush come off with his assertion that Islam is  "religion of peace?" Where was he during the 1990's when under the Clinton administration America was attacked time and time again by Muslims, yet Clinton was yet another appeaser, allowing these people to by and large get away with their terrorist acts.

Worse yet to show the hypocrisy of it all, leading up to the second Iraq war, Bush Jr dared use the term (though perhaps in a Freudian slip) about the war being a "crusade," to which the media and various liberals jumped all over Bush. Yet, it's okay for this would-be Turkish "Caliphate" (Islam's version of a Catholic pope) gets a pass for using a phrase that sure to cause anxiety and escalate tension between Islam and the west.

And now with the loss of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, Erdogan feels more embolden? I think it's high time Turkey be kicked out of NATO! They probably have not even paid their dues which was a big talking point during then presidential candidate Donald Trump's many rallies and speeches. Also, as I reported yesterday or this past week, Erdogan's own population apparently is not very fond of him going as far as staging a 'coupe' during one of his trips abroad. Does this guy suffer from some 'messianic complex?' He needs to go- period!

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