Wednesday, May 31, 2023

2023, New Person & Perspective in many ways...

 It's been a while since my last post and my life has changed in more ways than I can possibly state within a single post. That said, let me bring you up to speed. 

Last year, actually just under a year I lost my mother to "dementia." That said, it needn't have been as severe to losing her to a nursing home when help was literally available to her in a home nurse which very much in play. 

What I'm about to share is dramatic, feel free to tune out. 

As a son of a mother who gave her best to raise me, I'd be a moron to not keep her memory alive. 

Well, that's all for this night. It's been a big day, with an interesting if not flat out 'aggravating ' phone call. But that's life, and this is exactly why I've resumed this blog. So, here we go... much, much more to discuss and divulge. 

For those wondering I've been posting on Instagram, but like Twitter there's only so many characters, hence words to share... for those so inclined. My life has changed DRASTICALLY since my last post,  so fasten your seatbelts and get ready. 

Thanks for reading, as usual... wish me well. I'll need it! 

Talk to you tomorrow (Wednesday May 31st) with hopefully some good news... IF "justice" STILL exists here in America. 🔥🤔

Monday, March 30, 2020

Blog Update

Greetings, just a brief update on the status of this blog. It's been a while since I've posted here, but this will be changing soon.

I'm currently in the process of revamping some things here, but this blog will be resuming very soon.

Some of the content will be new, but the main focus of having originated this blog will remain the same.

In light of all the craziness now affecting the entire world, we as a society are now more than ever descending into chaos unfortunately.

With that in mind I will be presenting some truths about Covid-19 that the mainstream media is not reporting on.

Additionally, there will be a wider variety of articles because there is obviously enough negativity to go around.

I've been very appreciative to know this blog has continued to be read by persons from around the world, despite not having made any recent posts.

With that in mind, I will be resuming my work on this blog so please stay tuned!

And with so many people being at home due to the pandemic I believe this blog will be bigger and better than at any time since it went online back in 2015.

Stay tuned...

Sunday, May 27, 2018


One word. Yet a powerful word. A word that can have many meanings depending on the person, or reader. A word that came to me- today! 2018 has been a hell of a year already, and it's just the beginning. I've had certain years that have begun with an 'aura' of 'this is YOUR year.' 2018 HAS been one of those years, and more.

Even before this year began, so powerful was the 'energy' that I sensed it in late December (2017). Even in previous years when I knew this would be one of those 'magical' years, even then the power was NOT as powerful as it was now and at the beginning of this year.

Why do these 'magical years' happen? I really can't answer that, but I know they exist. Have they existed for others? I'd be naive to think otherwise, so I'll go out on a limb and believe yes. I also believe certain 'elements' just combine and come together in such a manner as to cause such periods of time to occur in a person's life. The bottom line is, when these years occur, make the most of them, because you don't always know IF, or WHEN the next one will (if ever) come to pass.

We're living in an already highly 'charged' environment in so many ways. Truth has NEVER been more needed, or sought out than perhaps at any other time. At least in my lifetime. I'm no 'spring-chicken.' Having said that, having been through several of these 'magical years,' I can say, the more you've been through them, the MORE powerful they become. Or, maybe its simply being better equipped to KNOW what and HOW to handle and deal with these small windows of time. A year can be a long time, it can be a 'blink of an eye.' As the saying goes, it's in the eye of the beholder.

2018 is the year. Now, with today's word that 'mysteriously' came to me (as many things do), the word? RISE. Now, it's even beginning to make more sense. This year, almost halfway through (believe it or not) has seen its share of opportunities. But opportunities come and go. A concept however is something than can change one's life. That concept can arrive in a word, a thought, dream, etc. Mine came in a single word- Rise. And with that word, as I've already suggested to some, but MOST importantly to myself, I will not be the same person I was at the start of this year, as I will be upon the conclusion of this year.

When a year is meant to be yours, make the most of it. But first of all, you've got to know, got to 'hear' that this is your year. For myself, I know how it came about. For others, I'm sure the process will be different. In the end, 'Rise!' 2018 will be a year I will look back upon in however many number of years I have left upon this planet and will look back upon and smile. It's as though the 'gods' themselves spoke among themselves and decided, it's his time, let's see what he does with it.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Biden says he would have 'beat the hell out' of Trump in high school for disrespecting women

For all the talk about President Trump being 'un-presidential,' former VP Joe Biden doesn't have very much room to speak. This isn't a left vs right issue, this is about making dumb comments in public and acting out on some creepy things.

Former VP Joe Biden, or 'Creepy Joe,' as some have called him seems to have a very hard time keeping his 'hands to himself.' Now, that's one thing. Not keeping your hands to yourself with children is quite another.

                                                  Creepy Joe Biden 

So for Biden to walk around talking so 'tough' about Trump and how he'd 'beat Trump up,' is just ridiculous and I'm calling Mr Tough guy out! Watch this video of 'Creepy Joe' and ask yourself is there 'something' wrong with this man? This doesn't look very good for Biden. Words are one thing, actions are quite another!

UPDATE: I-Team: Former ATF Agent Suspects Austin Bomber May Have An Accomplice

This blog has never been about 'conspiracy theory,' as the term has been defined back in the early 1960's after the assassination of president JFK. That term was made up by the FBI in a method of putting to rest people asking questions because the public (too many) were not buying the 'lone gunman' narrative.

So, for those who may have read my last post I posed the question could this 24 year old whom the authorities are claiming 'acted alone' may in fact be a part of something more. As stated, I find there are still unanswered questions which were not answered in today's press briefing about the bomber having been located.

I've also brought up the fact that unfortunately authorities have in the past made arrests, or found a person whom they will say is the person they've been looking for, when in often times the person may not have acted alone. So again, I ask, is there more to this story than we're being told, because this headline has just come in, ATF agent suspects Austin bomber may have an accomplice. 

This is a photo of the alleged Austin bomber, 24 year old Anthony Conditt.

UPDATE: It's now April 13th and as this article states, the ATF 'suspects' the Austin bomber 'may have had an accomplice.' Well, where's the news or follow up on that information? Since I've not heard anything about this, I would say chances are great - there was an accomplice! Could this young man have been involved in some 'mind control' program? For those who do not think our government is still actively developing their 'mind control' programs, you are woefully naive. Do your research on MK-Ultra and it's various 'cousins' of mind control programming. I've done my homework and its insane! To this day there is a MK 'program' operating in the Chicagoland area. I know this for a FACT!

Reddit user claims to be Austin bomber, compares himself to 'Zodiac Killer' and says he wants world to 'burn'

The media is saying that the Austin bomber is dead. Yet just prior to posting this I came across yet another headline of a bomb having exploded in the state of Texas. In this case they're saying its 'unrelated.' Yet, I have seen no media reporting about this case, other than this headline which I found on Drudge Report.

So I'm somewhat confused?! I've seen no media coverage and they're saying this explosion is unrelated. I just also watched coverage of the press briefing about the 24 year old who is said to be the Austin bomber and who was apprehended this morning. Could there be more than one bomber? And I've not heard any 'motive,' other than the now deceased bomber having been going through a 'hard time in life.' 

                                            Austin Texas Crime Scene

Side note, on Fox news they were doing a segment on the suspect, and they were speaking about his 'political leanings,' if any that were found. In the report I heard the reporter mention a couple of 'social views' this guy had. It was almost ridiculous to hear because it sounded as though this 'dead person' were running for some political seat! What does it matter what his political leanings were? I really don't think anyone affected by this tragedy could care less! The main thing is this guy has killed himself and hopefully they have their man. 

Having said that, in many of these type of cases authorities are often quick to apprehend someone in order to put the city back at ease. In cases such as the Son of Sam which happened during the 1980's, to this day they claim the person whom was arrested acted alone. Yet, many who have studied this case have come to realize that David Berkowitz, the convicted killer did not in fact act alone and did have a 'network.' 

Now, we have someone on the Internet claiming on some web site to be the Austin bomber. On Reddit comment's were posted by someone claiming they want to be like the 'Zodiac killer' and that they want the 'world to burn.' Again, I've not seen any media coverage on this other than this headline. Again, I hope Austin has found their guy and that situation is over with, yet there are some questions that still remain unanswered. Copycat acts of violence are always a potential in cases such as this. Hopefully that will not be the case.

                                  Austin bomber Mark Anthony Conditt

Austin Texas Bomber Dead!


Overnight Austin, Texas ' Bombing suspect ' was apprehended and alleged to have blown himself up.

The suspect a 24 year old male was apprehended overnight in Round Rock, Texas near I-35 highway, and had been reported to have had a room at a nearby Red Roof Inn.

State and local law enforcement agencies are, and have been on the scene as of this morning. News of the suspect having been dead broke out approximately around 2:30 am local time.

Motives are still unclear at this time and law enforcement agencies had been tracking him all morning. He's said to be unemployed and have been living with 2 roommates in a suburb of Austin.

The 2 suspects roommates are not persons of interest - at this time. Suspect is also said to not have had a military background according to Texas governor Greg Abbott.

Authorities are telling local residents to remain vigilant, as there is no telling whether there may be any outstanding bombs. Residents are being cautioned to treat any unknown packages with caution.

Still developing...